General Safety/Compliance
Protecting employees is in the best interest of every organization. Discover optimal standard practices on a variety of topics like defensive driving, fall protection, personal protective equipment, public employee safety in the community, and ladder safety.

Course Name | Course Description | Length |
Absorbents and Spills | In this course, the learner will be exposed to best practices for preventing spills in the work area, gain insight on how to deal with a spill and finally, gain knowledge as to why floor drains are rapidly becoming extinct and what best practices are related to floor drains and spilled fluids. | 30m |
Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques | This course concentrates primarily on advanced defensive driving techniques. You will be given instruction on how to drive defensively in adverse conditions including heavy rain, snow, and ice. We will further discuss how to share the roadways with other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. | 1h |
Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens | The First Responder must have knowledge of the appropriate personal protective equipment when responding to an emergency to protect the first responder against airborne and bloodborne pathogens. In this course sponsored by Decon7 Systems, learners will review the different airborne and bloodborne pathogens they will most commonly be exposed to with discussion of a new bloodborne pathogen as well as the equipment and preventative measures that should be taken for those pathogens. | 1h |
Back Injuries | According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal disorder injuries accounted for 33% of all worker injury and illness cases. Whether these injuries stem from occupational hazards or poor health, they can cost both employers and employees time, money, and energy. In this course, we will focus on the causes of back pain, ways to prevent back pain through proper lifting techniques and workplace ergonomics, and how to properly treat current back pain in order to better prevent future injuries. | 1h |
Basic First Aid | In the event of an emergency, would you know what to do to help yourself or someone else? Could you render potentially lifesaving assistance until first responders arrived? You never know when or where a medical emergency will occur. If a co-worker were to be injured, you could be their best chance of survival. Understanding basic first aid will help you to respond confidently and effectively to various emergencies that may occur whether at home, in the workplace, or anywhere you may be. | 2h |
Bloodborne Pathogens for Public Entities | This one-hour course will discuss what you need to know about bloodborne pathogens in order to keep yourself and those around you safe. | 1h |
Business Continuity | In this course, the learner will find out why business continuity planning is essential, learn to recognize the forms in which disasters strike and the categories in which they fit, gain understanding of the importance of organization assets and the recovery time objective for each item and finally, learn to identify the eight categories that should be incorporated into every business continuity plan. | 1h 30m |
Computer Security Basics | This course will help your employees keep their personal and business information and files safe from viruses and other dangers. | 30m |
Confined Spaces 101 | This one hour course will educate both employers and employees who work in confined spaces on how to develop a safe work environment that complies with federal regulations. Because confined spaces are potentially dangerous, this course will explain the confined and permitted spaces. It will also define how to identify Permit Spaces (Section 1203(a)) and the employer responsibilities around precautions whenever workers enter or work in a dangerous space. | 1h |
Confined Spaces 102 | This one hour course will continue to educate both employers and employees who work in confined spaces on how to develop a safe work environment that complies with federal regulations. It will focus on permitted spaces as well as non-permitted areas. (Section 1203(g)). It also explains alternative procedures for certain permit spaces (Section 1203(e)). Worker Training, Rescue and Emergency Services and Sewer System Entries. The course also covers code sections 1207 through sections 1211. | 1h |
Crisis Management | This course is designed to help all departments, organizations, and agencies within the public sector prepare for just such an event. | 1h |
Dealing with Cold Stress | When working outdoors in the cold or working in artificially cold environments, such as refrigerated areas, serious cold-related injuries and illnesses may occur. Cold-related hazards have the ability to cause permanent tissue damage or even death. This course will help individuals recognize the health risks associated with cold stress, identify methods for minimizing its effects, and recognize the symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite. | 1h |
Dealing with Heat Stress | As the fall and winter fade, spring and summer bring allergies, a variety of pests, and extreme heat. Although you can’t predict the weather, heat exposure must be addressed head on to avoid serious harm and injury. This course will help individuals recognize the health risks associated with heat stress, identify methods for minimizing its effects, and recognize the symptoms of heat stroke and exhaustion. | 1h |
Defensive Driving Basics | This course will dive into the basics of defensive driving, including its definition, purpose, and importance, as well as the factors that play an important role from the driver’s perspective. We will also discuss the equipment and judgment necessary for driving safely, as well as review the types of impairment that should be avoided to increase driver safety. | 1h |
Driving While Distracted | According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, every day 9 people die and over 1,000 are involved in a car accident as a result of distracted driving. No matter how long you have had your license, how good of a driver you are, or how safe the roads are, we are all susceptible to driving while distracted. This course will cover the different types of distracted driving, how to avoid each type, as well as evaluate examples of distracted driving in order to focus on how to improve your safety on the road. | 2h |
Electrical and Fire Safety | This course will help employees identify the most common electrical hazards and flammables. It will also help them learn what to do in case of a fire and how to recognize and use the different types of fire extinguishers. | 1h |
Emergency Preparation and Egress | This course presents critical aspects of Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), focusing on the necessary steps employers and employees must take during various emergencies. The course covers a broad spectrum of scenarios, from fires to active shooter situations, and emphasizes the importance of rapid warning dissemination, effective evacuation strategies, and the integration of the needs of employees with disabilities into emergency preparedness plans. Through exploring emergency reporting methods, evacuation procedures, and the “Run, Hide, Fight” protocol, learners will gain the knowledge to enhance their personal and collective safety in emergency situations. | 1h |
Equipment Safety | More than 6,000 people fall off a ladder and die each year, and over 400,000 people deal with power tool injuries each year. With these numbers in mind, equipment safety can no longer be a topic that is overlooked. This course will help employees maintain a safe and efficient workplace by first exploring the different types of ladders and equipment used for materials transport, recognizing the risks of improper use as well as safe usage techniques, and then identifying the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to wear. | 1h |
Fall Protection | In construction, more deaths are caused by falls than any other hazard. Falls account for over a third of the 700 plus construction deaths that occur each year. Workers performing tasks six feet or more above ground level are at risk of fatal falls or serious injuries. | 1h |
FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis Fundamentals | This FEMA course explains the basic BCA theory, basic flood concepts and locates additional BCA resources to help you create a benefit-cost analysis fundamental. | 30m |
FEMA Emergency Support Function #6: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services | Every community in the United States faces risks from emergencies and disasters. Communities prepare by gathering information about the specific risks they face and developing plans to meet those risks. They also share that information with the people in the community so they can take the appropriate measures to help themselves. Individuals and families can prepare for self-sufficiency following an event by developing a household disaster kit that includes medications, food, and water for themselves and their family pets, and by purchasing appropriate hazard insurance. In this course, you’ll learn that Federal, State, tribal, local, and voluntary agency partners work together to accomplish the ESF #6 mission and help people through the recovery process. | 1h |
FEMA Fundamentals of Emergency Management | The goal of IS-0230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management is to introduce you to the fundamentals of emergency management. This course presents emergency management as an integrated system with resources and capabilities networked together to address all hazards. This is the first course in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institutes independent study Professional Development Series. | 4h |
FEMA Fundamentals of Risk Management | This course will introduce the essential role of risk management at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As a member of the DHS workforce, it is imperative that you have a general awareness of the concept of risk management and its applications to homeland security and your job within the Department. | 2h |
FEMA ICS-200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents | ICS 200 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides training on and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS. The Emergency Management Institute developed ICS its ICS courses collaboratively with: – National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) – U.S. Department of Agriculture – U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Programs Branch
Note: IS-200.b is an updated version of the IS-200 course. If you have successfully completed IS-200 or IS-200.a, you may want to review the new version of the course. For credentialing purposes, the courses are equivalent. This course is NIMS compliant and meets the NIMS Baseline Training requirements for IS-200. – IS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System is required. |
3h |
FEMA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) for Alerting Authorities | The integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Program Management Office designed this course to provide Alerting Authorities with an increased awareness about Collaborative Operating Groups (COGs), how they are issued, their structure, their capabilities, and their responsibilities, and skills to draft more appropriate, effective, and accessible warning messages using best practices in alerting. | 2h |
FEMA Introduction to Homeland Security Planning | This course provides basic homeland security planning and encourages you to learn more about the planning process. | 2h |
FEMA IS-702 NIMS Public Information Systems | The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents. This includes public information. The public information systems described in NIMS are designed to effectively manage public information at an incident, regardless of the size and complexity of the situation or the number of entities involved in the response. This course is for informational purposes only. For more information about receiving credit for this course, please access the FEMA training site at . Check with your local department in regard to continuing education eligibility for this course. | 2h |
FEMA Social Media in Emergency Management | Social media has grown, not only as another major channel for broadcasting emergency communication to the public, but also as a means of conversing and engaging with the public as a whole community during emergencies. Whether in preparation for, in response to, or recovery from an emergency event, conversations are occurring on social media networks. | 2h |
FEMA Surveillance Awareness: What You Can Do | The purpose of this course is to make critical infrastructure employees and service providers aware of actions they can take to detect and report suspicious activities associated with adversarial surveillance. | 1h |
FEMA The Role of Voluntary Organizations in Emergency Management | Voluntary agencies have helped meet the needs of individuals and communities affected by disasters since the 1800s. Today, they serve a critical role in the emergency management field from helping communities prepare for and mitigate the effects of disasters to providing immediate response and long-term recovery services. Without the support, dedication, and expertise of voluntary agencies, the government would be unable to address all the needs of disaster-affected communities. The overall goal of this Independent Study course is to increase awareness of the roles and responsibilities of voluntary agencies in emergency management. | 2h |
FEMA Wildfire Mitigation Basics | How can you prevent injury and damage resulting from wildfires? This course will describe how to inform the public on ways to reduce wildfire damage and how to reduce or eliminate future damage from wildfires. | 1h |
Global SDS and the Hazardous Communication Standards | Whether you are involved in the production, transport, handling, use or disposal of hazardous materials, you need to be aware of the various health, physical, and environmental hazards associated with these chemicals. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) format is the next generation of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). Knowing what GHS is and how it is applied will ensure you have a strong base of knowledge for your role. We will provide a thorough understanding of what information can be found on the SDS as well as the ability to recognize the pictograms used to label hazardous materials. | 1h |
Hazmat First Responder Awareness (FRA) Level I | This Hazmat First Responder Awareness course assists the First Responder in recognizing the hazardous substance and understanding how to respond. | 1.5h |
Highway Incident Safety Guidelines for Emergency Responders | This two-hour course will equip you with the information needed to properly facilitate at the scene of a traffic incident. | 2h |
HIPAA: Protected Health Information For Public Entities | This one-hour course focuses on HIPAA Regulations as it relates to Protected Health Information. In this course, the learner will be learn what type of information can be disclosed, as well as the penalties for releasing information that cannot be disclosed. | 1h |
ICS-100c: Introduction to the Incident Command System |
ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The Emergency Management Institute developed its ICS courses collaboratively with: –National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) |
2h |
Ladder Safety | This one hour course will educate you to ladder safety and the limitations and restrictions of ladders. It will also discuss the appropriate safety techniques you should practice. Additionally, this course will address the danger of a fall. Even the smallest of step ladders can result in significant injury. | 1h |
Lockout/Tagout 101 | This one-hour course will provide an introduction to what employees are required to know about OSHAs standard on Lockout/Tagout. It defines the requirements for workers performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be exposed to injuries from the unexpected startup of the machinery or equipment or the release of stored energy in the equipment. | 1h |
Lockout/Tagout 102 | This one-hour course is a continuation of the 101 course and will provide advanced guidance on OSHAs Lockout/Tagout standards. It explores group Lockout/Tagout techniques, who is responsible for these actions, proper inspections and What should be a part of an energy control program. | 1h |
Means of Egress | You are at your desk working quietly when you hear a blaring fire alarm wailing throughout your office building. There is confusion and panic as your co-workers try to locate the appropriate exit. This course will give you the skills and knowledge to be able to understand and apply the concepts of your emergency plan. | 1h |
Personal Protective Equipment | Companies spend approximately $170 billion a year accommodating for workplaces injuries and illnesses. Around $1 billion goes towards injured employees and their medical providers each week. The next time you consider the amount of each piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) costs, consider the cost it prevents. This one-hour course will better inform you about PPE and how wearing the proper equipment will create a safe and comfortable working environment for both you and your co-workers. | 1h |
Preventing Accidents in the Workplace | When we think of the word accident, some of the first things that may come to mind are the terrible traffic collisions we so often see. While those accidents are certainly serious, a staggering number of accidents occur in the workplace each year. In this course, we will focus on the types of injuries that occur, and how they can be avoided. | 1h |
Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls | Slip, trip, and fall accidents are a leading cause of deaths in the workplace. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports over one million slips, trips, and falls each year. These workplace injuries incur high rates of lost work and medical costs; it will benefit employers and employees alike to understand the risks involved and learn ways to avoid this type of hazard.In this course, the learner will learn how to identify where slips, trips, and falls are most likely to occur, list how to minimize the risk of workplace accidents, and recognize the importance of personal responsibility in risk management. | 1h |
Public Employee Safety in the Community | Public employees whose work involves visiting the homes of citizens need awareness of the potential risks they might encounter in that process. Whether dog bites, slick sidewalks and pavements, or citizens themselves, employees should be prepared for anything. This course identifies some of the inherent risks and what you can do to minimize your physical risks. | 30m |
Respirators and Air Quality | In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the importance of proper respirator use, why respirator fit tests and medical approval are necessary before using a respirator and finally an understanding of situations where negative pressure and positive pressure respirators are applicable. | 30m |
Safeguarding Your Community from Terrorism | As a result of 9/11, several valuable lessons were learned by the U.S intelligence community, the military, and law enforcement. It exposed our weaknesses of being unprepared and a lack of urgency in addressing red flags. In this course, the learner will gain an understanding of the mind of a terrorist as well as how to identify suspicious activities that occur in your community. | 1h |
The Risks of Social Media in the Workplace | This one-hour course will cover using social media in the workplace. The learner will gain a better understanding of the potential risks of utilizing social media platforms. | 1h |
Workplace Ergonomics | The average person in America spends 6 hours per day at their desk, tallying around 1500 stationary hours annually. Not only is this physically stressful enough as it is, but studies also show that 85% of workers experience discomfort on a daily basis. This is where ergonomics, or designing products and workplaces for their users, comes in. This course will focus on introducing and practicing effective ergonomics in the workplace. | 1h |