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General Human Resources

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning your HR career, remain up to date with legal requirements and learn how to best equip your workforce with courses such as Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Diversity in the Workplace, The HR Recruitment and Selection Process, and many more.

Course Name Course Description Length
Acoso Sexual en el Lugar de Empleo – Spanish Course El acoso sexual en el puesto de trabajo puede ocurrirle a cualquier persona, hombre o mujer, sin importar su orientacion sexual. La gran mayor a de las empresas tienen una politicia de tolerancia cero cuando se trata del acoso sexual. El comportamiento inadecuado en el lugar de trabajo puede conllevar consecuencias significantes tanto para usted como para la entidad laboral que lo emplea. 1h
Acoso Sexual para Gerentes – Spanish Course El acoso sexual en el puesto de trabajo puede ocurrirle a cualquier persona, hombre o mujer, sin importar su orientacion sexual. De hecho, el acoso sexual estacute; presente en la actualidad. La gran mayoria de las empresas, tienen una politica de tolerancia cero cuando se trata del acoso sexual. El comportamiento inadecuado en el lugar de trabajo puede reportar consecuencias significantivas tanto para usted como gerente y para su empresa o entidad laboral. 2h
ADA Compliance in Business The American Disabilities Act provides people with disabilities with equal employment opportunity. In business, compliance can be complex and be challenging at times. This course is designed to provide leaders, managers and governmental staff with the knowledge and skills of ADA compliance. It is imperative to meet the proper protocols within an organization to effectively provide opportunities for all employees, but special attention should be paid to those with disabilities. 1h
Anti-Harassment in the Workplace Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that requires a thorough understanding to promote awareness and ultimately prevention. It can happen to anyone, male or female, regardless of race, religion, age, or sexual orientation. Improper behavior in the workplace may have significant consequences for those involved, for yourself as an employee, and your employer. For employees who are the victim of harassment, this may create a hostile work environment which takes a toll on their career, their personal life, and their health. Recognizing the various types of harassment will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report harassment. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed as well as recommendations on how to create a more inclusive and accepting workplace culture. 1h
Cybersecurity Awareness Training If you lock your car or bolt your door at night, you already know the importance of doing what you can to deter criminals. But what about your sensitive information? Are you doing everything you can to keep your online data safe? This 1-hour course offers a comprehensive overview of basic information security, how to avoid threats to security, best practices to safeguard and store sensitive information, and how to keep information safe with a secure password. 1h
Dealing With Angry Employees Anger is not something most of us think about when we go to work every day. Unfortunately, we need to be prepared to deal with anger and the potential for violence in the workplace. Ignoring the problem will only cause the situation to get progressively worse. When this happens, it can have a negative and possibly destructive impact on your organization. A thorough understanding of workplace anger will help promote awareness and ultimately prevention. 1h
Dealing with the Media This course focuses on the ways to get your agency’s message out, including the personal pitch, press releases and press conferences. It also discusses how the media works, the different components of news and how to follow-up with story pitches. This course also includes information on responding to crises and emergencies, how to have a successful interview and how to control your message. 30m
Discipline and Termination In every organization, employees are let go for various reasons. The decision to discipline or even terminate an employee is not one that should be taken lightly, and there is a right and wrong way to approach the situation. In this course, learners will explore ways to appropriately address issues before termination is necessary, be able to terminate employees confidently if discipline fails, and for employees to understand the need for a disciplinary process and the rules and expectations that inform them. 1h
Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is an essential part of any workplace culture. As we live and work in a global economy, the diversity of those we interact with and who work alongside us must be both acknowledged and respected. Diversity is more than just a term; it is how individuals identify themselves as well as how others perceive them. Promoting diversity in the workplace should not be looked at as a requirement or a box to be checked. It is much more than that. Diversity in the workplace makes good business sense as a more diverse and inclusive workplace will be advantageous in recruiting, hiring, and maintaining talent within your organization. Beyond the benefits, it is important to effectively implement a solid program to manage and promote diversity in the workplace. And while there are challenges to implementing diversity in the workplace, the end rewards will certainly outweigh any obstacles along the way. 1h
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workplace drug and alcohol abuse is a liability for any U.S. business, and smaller businesses are increasingly more vulnerable since drug testing may be performed less often than in larger businesses. Drug and alcohol abuse can affect anyone and have a significant impact on their daily lives. Understanding the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse will help you to identify potential warning signs in those around you. There are effective treatments available along with steps you can take to discourage and respond to workplace drug and alcohol abuse. 1h
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Whether joyful or stressful, the events experienced over the course of your life often require you to reevaluate your priorities. Adjusting priorities can often require you to make serious, life-changing decisions. In some cases, you might even need to choose between providing direct care for a loved one or new child in your home and the need to provide for your family’s financial needs. In previous eras, people often became caught in an “either/or”” situation because employers were not always cooperative when individuals needed time for personal matters. Employees ran the risk of losing their jobs and benefits if they made the choice of putting their family first. Fortunately the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take the time they need to handle life events. We will go over the FMLA in detail to help you understand the basic provisions and how the FMLA can benefit you. 1h
FMLA Training for Supervisors The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed in 1993 and revised January 16, 2009, and March 8, 2013, with some provisions effective back to February 5, 2012. Of all federal employment laws, FMLA is one of the most popular and beneficial to employees. Employees are aware of the basic requirements of the law, but they may not realize the law provides employers with various options on how to administer FMLA. It is essential for all supervisors, in addition to the HR staff, to understand how to comply with FMLA and with the employer’s own FMLA policy. This one-hour course will educate supervisors on FMLA in order to give employees the full and correct benefit of the law. 1h
Form I-9 and Employment Eligibility Verification As an employer in the U.S., you are required to verify the work eligibility of your workforce. To verify work eligibility, U.S. employers use Form I-9. There are many different types of employee scenarios, and navigating them while validation employment eligibility can be difficult. This course outlines how to correctly fill out and retain the form, how to navigate complicated employee scenarios, and how the E-Verify system works with Form I-9. 1h
Handling Angry Employees In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the importance of communication in dealing with employee anger, acquire knowledge regarding productive methods for dealing with employee anger, and finally learn to recognize the behavioral indicators preceding episodes of anger. 30m
HR Recruitment and Selection Process When an organization determines the need for additional labor, employers have a number of choices to make. This may be the first step in a full-scale recruitment and selection process but sometimes hiring additional employees is not the best method to obtain additional labor. Since the costs of recruitment and selection can be staggering, hiring new employees should occur only after careful consideration. This one-hour course will better inform you about how to implement a successful recruitment and selection process. 1h
Managing a Remote Workforce In our ever-changing world, working remotely is becoming a reality for leaders and their teams. As leaders are discovering, managing teams from a distance are quite different than leading in person. Since we are not seeing each other in-person, we must be more intentional. In this course, we will present information on establishing a remote team, communicating in a remote environment, and managing projects to make remote work successful. We will also discuss changes in your leadership style that will need to occur in order to meet the needs of your team members. 1h
Personnel Record Retention (Federal Standards) This one-hour course covers personnel record retention. In this course, the learner will be introduced to record retention basics, potential liabilities, as well as specific federal standards on a variety of employee records. Additionally, this course gives the learner a step-by-step guide on creating a foolproof record retention policy that protects your company on all legal and business fronts. 1h
Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors This 2-hour course instructs supervisors on their role in drug and alcohol testing in the workplace. They will understand what types of testing there is for drug and alcohol use and what employee behaviors constitute reasonable suspicion testing. The supervisor will also learn the correct procedures for performing drug and alcohol testing, the requirements for keeping records of the testing, and how to properly manage the collection site. This two-hour course could meet the training requirements for 49 CFR Part 40, §199.241 (alcohol), and §199.113 (drugs). Please check with your local department of transportation office to verify eligibility. 2h
Recognizing Child Abuse Child abuse and neglect is a serious issue and one in which we all need to be aware of. The pain and suffering are a daily occurrence for these children, and many have no voice, no one to advocate for them. They live each day in fear, not knowing what will happen to them. Some of these children will survive this traumatic childhood, but others will not. Many of these children will be left with a lifetime of psychological trauma. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report suspected cases of abuse or neglect. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed and there are many resources available to get children the help they so desperately need. 1h
Recognizing Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a serious issue and one in which we all need to be aware of. Domestic violence can happen to anyone, but oftentimes it is overlooked, ignored, excused, or denied. Those in abusive situations live each day in fear, not knowing what pain and suffering they may have to endure. Unfortunately, some people never make it out of the relationship alive, others stay in the relationship because they believe they have nowhere to go, while others, fortunately, successfully escape. Those who make it out are left traumatized and may still live in fear. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of domestic violence will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report suspected cases of domestic violence. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed, and there are many resources available to get these individuals the help they so desperately need. 2h
Recruiting Excellent Employees This course covers common formal recruiting practices, factors that lead to recruiting excellence, and creative recruiting methods and sources. 30m
Risks of Social Media in the Workplace More than 3 billion people use social media every month. From LinkedIn, to Facebook, to Snapchat, social media is all around us. Many Americans use social media in their personal lives every day, but most businesses must also maintain a social media presence to stay relevant in our interconnected world. In this course, learners will discover best practices for personal social media use, professional social media use, and possible risks to utilizing social media in the workplace. 2h
Sexual Harassment Awareness AB 1825 (California) Sexual harassment in the workplace can happen to anyone, male or female, regardless of sexual orientation. While sexual harassment may have been overlooked, ignored, or excused in the past, that is no longer the case. A majority, if not all companies, have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment. Recognizing what sexual harassment is, both the subtle cues as well as overt advances will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report sexual harassment. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed as well as recommendations of what to do if you or one of your employees have been or are the victim of sexual harassment. 2h
Sexual Harassment for Managers Sexual harassment in the workplace can happen to anyone, male or female, regardless of sexual orientation. Organizations have a responsibility to protect all employees against this type of harassment. Recognizing what sexual harassment is a leader, both the subtle cues as well as the overt advances, will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to prevent sexual harassment. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed as well as recommendations of what to do if you or one of your employees have been or are the victim of sexual harassment. 2h
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment in the workplace can happen to anyone, male or female, regardless of sexual orientation. While sexual harassment may have been overlooked, ignored, or excused in the past, that is no longer the case. In fact, sexual harassment is on everyone’s mind these days. A majority, if not all companies, have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment. Improper behavior in the workplace may have significant consequences both for yourself and your employer. If you are a victim of sexual harassment, this may create a hostile work environment which takes a toll on your career, your personal life, and your health. Recognizing what sexual harassment is, both the subtle cues as well as the overt advances, will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report sexual harassment. There are a number of preventive measures that can be employed as well as recommendations of what to do if you have been or are the victim of sexual harassment. 1h
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace AB 1825 (California) Improper behavior in the workplace may have significant consequences both for yourself and your employer. If you are a victim of sexual harassment, this may create a hostile work environment which takes a toll on your career, your personal life, and your health. Recognizing what sexual harassment is will help you to identify warning signs and take the necessary steps to report sexual harassment. This course includes important statutes from AB 1825 and the amendment AB 2053 to California’s FEHA. 1h
The LGBTQ Community The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community is a diverse group of individuals who deserve to be treated with kindness, compassion, and respect. Understanding the terminology used in the LGBTQ community will reduce misunderstandings, confusion, and stereotypes while promoting knowledge and awareness for the officer. In this course, there are many effective policies and procedures to help connect with the LGBTQ community along with recommendations you can use immediately. 1h
Violence in the Workplace This one-hour course focuses on the prevention and what to do in the event of workplace violence. Additionally, the Violence in the Workplace eLearning course serves as a helpful tool to identify potential warning signs. 1h
Workers’ Compensation: Sprain and Strain Injury Prevention This one-hour course is designed to educate learners about Workers Compensation, the state-mandated program that compensates workers for injuries that occur in the workplace. According to a News Release from the U.S Department of Labor agency, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 2.8 million injuries were reported in 2015. With so many workers being injured on the job, it is vital that learners be able to identify the most common injuries received, what causes them, and how they can be prevented for a safer workplace. 1h
Working From Home In our ever-changing world, many employees are finding themselves navigating a new terrain – working remotely. Some employees are feeling overwhelmed as they try to figure out how to work from home, while others are excited about this new opportunity. Employees can put specific steps in place to help smooth the transition from working in the office to working from home. This includes establishing a remote work environment, learning the different forms of remote communication, and determining how to collaborate with your team when you are no longer in person. 1h
Workplace Bullying When we think of bullying, we tend to immediately associate it with the school yard, certainly not something we would face as an adult. Unfortunately, bullying in the workplace occurs more often than you think. In fact, there are various forms of bullying, from overt forms of bullying to those which are quite passive. Workplace bullying may have significant consequences for those involved, for yourself as an employee as well as your employer. A thorough understanding of workplace bullying will help promote awareness and ultimately prevention. 1h

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