EMS Operations and Management
In order to run your organization effectively, EMS agencies require strong leadership skills. Explore ways to improve these skills through courses like EMS Crew Resource Management, Emergency Operations, and Evidence-based Guidelines for EMS Providers, as well as Leading a Safe and High Performing Ambulance Team.

Course Name | Course Description | Length |
ALS to BLS Hand Off | After watching this video, the student will be able to explain why it is important to seriously consider the potential for decompensation in certain patients before handing them off to a BLS crew and explain why it is not a good idea to hand off certain patients who have been given drugs or ALS interventions to a BLS crew. | 5m |
Applying Classroom Skills in the Field | Chris Le Baudour discusses the importance of talking to new EMT’s about how to apply their classroom knowledge in the real world. | 5m |
Being an Authentic Leader – NEW! | This course is designed to provide EMS leaders with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of authenticity in leadership, the skills required to lead transparently, and strategies for implementing authentic leadership in organizations. The course will explore the benefits of authenticity, the challenges faced when attempting to be an authentic leader, and how to build trust and accountability. | 2h |
Calling in Your Patient Report | Steve Whitehead gives two pointers on delivering a great patient care report. | 5m |
Cell Phones | After watching this video, the viewer will be able to explain why it is important to understand that almost everyone driving or walking is distracted and why it is helpful to remember that almost everyone with a cell phone is also carrying a video camera. | 5m |
Emergency Operations EMS1 | In this video block course, a multitude of topics are covered, including incident scene operations, moving patients to stretchers, medical condition pre-planning, as well as patient safety. This course also offers three videos that apply specific situations you may find yourself in, as it relates to emergency operations. | 1h |
EMS Crew Resource Management | This course will define the concept of CRM and explain how CRM benefits both responder safety and patient care. | 1h |
EMS on Bikes, Lesson 1 | This is the first of a two lesson training on EMS deployment via bicycle to areas not easily accessed by ambulances. | 15m |
EMS on Bikes, Lesson 2 | This is the second of a two lesson training on EMS deployment via bicycle and addresses some of the training skills taught by the International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA). | 10m |
EMS Research | Research is the method which broadens our understanding and capitalizes on study completed by others. This course provides the learner with research tools and methods to extract the necessary and needed knowledge to better perform the job of an EMS professional. | 1h |
EMS Street Survival – 1 | This is the first Training Block for training on EMS1 Street Survival. This Training Block covers many issues including provider alert levels, self-assessment, approaching the scene, provider roles, positioning yourself relative to the patient, emotionally disturbed people, excited delirium, weapons awareness and search, firearms, home defense systems, and more. | 1h |
EMS Street Survival – 2 | This is the second Training Block for training on EMS1 Street Survival. This is a series designed to raise the awareness of EMS personnel about the dangers that can exist with patients and response scenes and surroundings. This Training Block covers many issues including provider alert levels, self-assessment, approaching the scene, provider roles, positioning yourself relative to the patient, emotionally disturbed people, excited delirium, weapons awareness and search, firearms, home defense systems, and more. | 1h |
EMS Street Survival – 3 | This is the third Training Block for training on EMS1 Street Survival. This is a series designed to raise the awareness of EMS personnel about the dangers that can exist with patients and response scenes and surroundings. This Training Block covers many issues including provider alert levels, self-assessment, approaching the scene, provider roles, positioning yourself relative to the patient, emotionally disturbed people, excited delirium, weapons awareness and search, firearms, home defense systems, and more. | 1h |
EMS Street Survival – 4 | This is the fourth Training Block for training on EMS1 Street Survival. This is a series designed to raise the awareness of EMS personnel about the dangers that can exist with patients and response scenes and surroundings. This Training Block covers many issues including provider alert levels, self-assessment, approaching the scene, provider roles, positioning yourself relative to the patient, emotionally disturbed people, excited delirium, weapons awareness and search, firearms, home defense systems, and more. | 1h |
EMS Street Survival, Lesson 1 | This is the first of a multi-lesson training on safety and precautions for EMS personnel. Lesson 1 in the classroom covers public perceptions of EMS, occupational boundaries, and liability issues. | 15m |
EMS Street Survival, Lesson 2 | This is the second of a multi-lesson training on safety and precautions for EMS personnel. Lesson 2 covers suspicious behavior, body and hand positioning, scene awareness and other topics. | 15m |
EMS Street Survival, Lesson 3 | This is the third of a multi-lesson training on safety and precautions for EMS personnel. Lesson 3 covers some simple, yet effective hand-to-hand techniques should an EMS patient or onlooker make an aggressive attack. | 10m |
EMS Vehicle Check: Lesson 1, Safety & Maintenance | This is the first of a three lesson training on EMS vehicle safety and maintenance. This lesson focuses on under-the-hood and vehicle maintenance checks. | 10m |
EMS Vehicle Check: Lesson 2, BLS Equipment | The second lesson in this series focuses on Basic Life Support (BLS) equipment and supplies. | 15m |
EMS Vehicle Check: Lesson 3, ALS Equipment | The third lesson in this series focuses on Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipment and supplies. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 1. Overview and Introduction | Instructor Mike Taigman begins a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival, presenting instruction and techniques to Paramedics and EMTs about how to stay safe and control the environment when responding to EMS incidents. Lesson 1 discusses the format of the course and statistics about EMS providers and the various dangers they have encountered during responses. | 10m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 10. Excited Delirium | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 10 covers the condition called Excited Delirium (ED), how an ED patient presents, and what treatments are available. | 20m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 11. Weapon Awareness | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 11 discusses weapon awareness using a color-coded awareness system to prepare you for mental and situational awareness. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 12. Weapon Search | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 12 covers the importance of developing an awareness for the presence of weapons and techniques for discovering them. | 20m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 13. Weapons of Convenience | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 13 covers the weapons that used on a scene can include weapons of convenience or weapons that are cleverly hidden. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 14. Firearms | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 14 demonstrates a large number of concealed firearms which can be built into everyday household articles and articles of clothing. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 15. Home Defense Systems | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 15 focuses on weapons and their use in home defense systems (HDSs) and the importance of disrupting their use. | 20m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 2. Tips for Increasing Safety | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 2 discusses determining what a safe response is, risk responsibility, increasing safety, and expecting the unexpected. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 3. Getting Your Head Right, Pt. 1 | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 3 discusses the importance of self-assessment and knowing the skills and abilities you bring to every patient encounter. | 20m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 4. Getting Your Head Right, Pt. 2 | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 4 covers truths that most people accept, the importance of the amygdala and its effects on people’s reactions, and the importance of the LEAPS concept to controlling a person’s emotions. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 5. Controlling Your Inner Idiot | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 5 discusses tone of voice, body language, ,pissing off people, ,button-pushing, and keeping your cool. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 6. Scene Coordinator | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 6 covers the role of the designated Scene Coordinator and how to gain scene awareness. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 7. Approaching the Scene | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 7 discusses how to approach the scene: what to look for, how to position yourself for maximum safety, maintaining an awareness of the presence of weapons. | 30m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 8. Contact Partners | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 8 discusses the role and position of the contact partner who provides direct patient care, plus assessment and treatment. | 15m |
EMS1 Street Survival: 9. Emotionally Disturbed People | Instructor Mike Taigman continues a multi-lesson series on EMS Street Survival. Lesson 9 covers emotionally disturbed people (EDP) of various kinds and the symptoms and causes related to them. | 15m |
Evidence-based Guidelines for EMS Providers | This one-hour course introduces EMS providers to the idea of evidence-based medicine and how it affects EMS providers and their patients. EMS has been advancing as a practice of medicine, and much of that has to do with the progression of using expert opinion to develop treatment guidelines and using peer-reviewed literature, some even published by EMTs and paramedics. | 1h |
Exam Prep Product | Innovation Zone host Chris Cebollero takes a look at some of the innovative EMS exam products from the folks at Limmer Creative. Created by Stephanie and Dan Limmer, Limmer Creative offers products for web-based systems as well as smartphones and tab | 10m |
Formalize Your Education | George Hatch offers some advice to new students about the need to formalize an education. | 5m |
Give Back to the EMT/EMS Profession | Be ready to be able to help new paramedics or EMTs by guiding them with your experience. | 5m |
Good Samaritan Misconceptions | Steve Whitehead discusses two common misconceptions about Good Samaritan laws. | 5m |
HIPAA: Permitted Uses and Disclosures | In this single video course, EMS providers will learn about the permitted uses and disclosures of PHI as well as the new patient rights under the HIPAA laws. | 15m |
How we Should Operate at the Incident Scene | Steve Whitehead discusses two ways to develop scene presence. | 5m |
Know What You Are Getting Into | Veteran instructor Brenda Beasley offers valuable advice to the new EMT student. From salaries to getting up at 3 AM, Brenda says make sure this is the right correct for you before continuing on with your education. | 5m |
Know Your Stuff: Advice For Instructors | Veteran Instructor Brenda Beasley says if you are going to be an EMS instructor, you should be able to speak from experience. Emergency medicine is not a career where you can “fake it til you make it.””” | 5m |
Laptop e-PCR | Steve Whitehead presents two tips for using laptops for documentation. | 5m |
Legal | This video-block course extensively covers medical-legal issues and good Samaritan misconceptions that may arise in your field of work. | 2h |
Lifelong Learning in Healthcare | Connie Mattera talks to graduating students about the importance of knowing what you don’t know and the passion to continue lifelong learning. | 5m |
Medical Condition Preplanning | Preplanning responses to patients with known conditions or special needs can allow EMS to better serve these patients in the community. | 10m |
Medical-Legal Issues, Lesson 1 | This is the first of a five-part series detailing the basics of the legal system for EMS providers. This lesson reviews the court system and the basics of consent. | 15m |
Medical-Legal Issues, Lesson 2 | This is the second of a five-part series detailing the basics of the legal system for EMS providers. This lesson reviews competency and documentation. | 20m |
Medical-Legal Issues, Lesson 3 | This is the third of a five-part series detailing the basics of the legal system for EMS providers. This lesson reviews custody and what that means to medical providers in relationship to consent. | 20m |
Medical-Legal Issues, Lesson 4 | This is the fourth of a five-part series detailing the basics of the legal system for EMS providers. This lesson reviews the similarities and differences between civil and criminal cases. | 15m |
Medical-Legal Issues, Lesson 5 | This is the last of a five-part series detailing the basics of the legal system for EMS providers. This lesson reviews the steps involved with a pending court case. | 30m |
NAEMSE: Why do you want to be an instructor? | Know in your mind why you want to be an instructor, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. | 5m |
Operations EMS1 | This video block course covers a multitude of topics on ems operations. | 1h |
Preparing for the EMS Texas Jurisprudence Exam | The objectives covered by the jurisprudence examination education have everything to do with patient care and for every patient you’ll encounter during your career. In this course, learners will explore the rules within the Texas Administrative Code that specifically applies to EMS personnel and providers. | 2h |
Scenarios About Applying HIPAA in the Real World | This video contains scenarios about how to interact with and apply HIPAA in our day-to-day lives. | 35m |
Sexual Harassment Prevention for EMS | The emergency medical service is an industry at high risk for sexual harassment and misconduct. This course seeks to confront the realities of sexual harassment in a profession in which employees work long hours under high stress, and often spend the majority of the day with only one other person. Considering the risks that paramedics take, and the importance of having trust in your fellow crew members and officers, eradicating sexually harassing behavior from the emergency medical service is critical to the mission. This course provides you with the information needed to spot and address incidents of sexual harassment. The problem is not solved simply with awareness. Take the information presented in this course and make meaningful changes to member behavior, and EMS culture. | 1h |
Six Core Elements of the EMS Culture of Safety | After defining the six core elements of a culture of safety, the course discusses the roles of various stakeholders in both creating and sustaining a culture of safety. | 1h |
Starting Out in EMS | Starting out in EMS | 5m |
The Importance of an Open Mind | Instructor Jeff Lindsey talks to EMT students about the importance of keeping an open mind during their training. | 5m |
The Importance of Networking for EMS Instructor | Look for ways to network and to talk to other instructors to help improve your students’ education and theirs. | 5m |
The Power of Persuasion | Jeff Lindsey offers a tip for educators about how to build confidence in students. This little trick will help students trust their knowledge and instincts. | 5m |
Three Tips for New Instructors | Greg Friese, Director of Education for CentreLearn, offers three simple yet valuable tips for new educators. | 5m |
Tips for EMS Instructors | Perhaps the hardest things for instructors is realizing that it’s not all about them – it’s about educating the students, so that they can care about the patients, according to Debbi Cason, Program Director and Associate Professor at UTSW in Dallas, TX | 5m |
Tips for New Graduates: Look the Part | While no one expects you to look like you walked out of a magazine, remember to represent your profession by being and looking professional. | 5m |
Tips for Teachers | Chris Le Baudour offers two valuable pieces of advice for educators. | 5m |
Value Your Educators | Randolph Mantooth talks to students about listening to and valuing your teachers. Never underestimate the wisdom they bring to the classroom through years of service in the profession. | 5m |
Vehicle Operations EMS1 | This video block course covers a multitude of topics about vehicle operations, including EMS on bikes, maintaining vehicles, as well as BLS/ALS equipment. | 1h |
What Would You Do: Appropriate Helicopter Use | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss how to decide when to use air medical transport. | 10m |
What Would You Do: Excessive Speed | During an emergency transport, your partner drives unsafely with excessive speed. How fast is too fast? You need to address this with your partner. What would you do? | 10m |
What Would You Do: Freeway Response – Who’s in Control? | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss the potential conflicts between law enforcement and fire/EMS on an accident scene. | 10m |
What Would You Do: Is Receiving Gifts Appropriate? | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss how to decide if a gift may be appropriate to accept. | 10m |
What Would You Do: Is That Your Drone? | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss how to react when an unmanned drone appears above your scene. | 10m |
What Would You Do: Kickboxer Down | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss how to interact with on-scene physicians at a sporting event. | 10m |
What Would You Do: Snowbound | Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss a scenario where EMS responders struggle to respond in inclement weather. | 10m |