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Cardiac Care

From cardiac wheezes and chest pain to stroke care and ventricular assist devices, you need to be prepared for any cardiac-related medical emergency. These courses will help you keep up to date on cardiac care.

Course Name Course Description Length
12-Lead EKG This course is focused on the student learning and refreshing their knowledge on how to read the 12 lead EKG. The course is designed for students to review the basics of heart anatomy, the electrophysiology and basics of the EKG, basics of the 12 lead EKG, developing a standard approach to interpretation, and looking at all of the issues that will present itself during an assessment that will lead you to believe that the 12 lead EKG is abnormal and that cardiac ischemia or cardiac damage has occurred. This course will not discuss treatment of cardiac disease since this is a topic for your local protocols. 3h
12-Lead EKGs in the Field This lesson examines the statistics, studies, and thought process that prompted one medical agency to adopt the use of 12-Lead EKGs in the fields to expedite the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac patients. 5m
4 Types of Shock This five-minute refresher explores the causes and treatment of different types of shock 5m
Brain Attack Dr. Tan provides an overview of using the pre-hospital Cincinnati Stroke Scale to screen an patient for acute stroke or brain attack. 10m
Cardiac Wheezes Not all patients who are wheezing have asthma. This lesson covers cardiac wheezing which may require different treatment. 30m
Chest Pain: Recognition and Treatment – NEW! Chest pain is one of the most common reasons EMS personnel are called into the field. This course is designed to help you assess and treat both cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain patients. In this course, you will review the cardiovascular system, consider potential causes and symptoms of chest pain, and identify appropriate treatments and best practices for chest pain patients. 1h
Current Trends in Stroke Care This course reviews the two types of stroke and the assessment and treatment techniques currently available to EMS providers. Particular attention is paid to in-hospital treatment of ischemic strokes, as well as emerging assessment and treatment options for large vessel obstruction (LVO) strokes. Recent research has shown that LVO may benefit from specialized treatment and that EMS may be called upon to specifically identify patients at risk for LVO in the field. 1h
eACLS Re-certification This program is designed to meet all the requirements of regulatory authorities for initial and refresher advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) training in accordance with the 2015 Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. 8h
Health Care Provider CPR Interactive This course will go over: Chain of Survival, reducing the risk of disease transmission, and heart-healthy prevention practices. 3h
Techniques for Improving the Effectiveness of Your Chest Compressions High-quality, uninterrupted chest compressions can mean the difference between life and death in a patient with cardiac arrest. In this course, we’ll examine a few techniques that can help you improve the effectiveness of your chest compressions – including awareness, reducing hands off the chest time, and prioritizing compressions while using defibrillation pads. 1h
What Would You Do: Crummy CPR Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss how to manage on-scene responders performing poor CPR. 10m
What Would You Do: Start CPR…No, Don’t! Steve Whitehead and Dr. David Tan discuss what to do when family members disagree about whether to start resuscitation. 15m
What Would You Do: Unsigned DNR Medics arrive at a nursing home to find a resident in cardiac arrest. A DNR order is in place, but it hasn’t been signed yet by a doctor. All in attendance agree no resuscitation is what the patient would have wanted. What do you do? 19m
Women and Heart Attacks After watching this video, the learner will see how women are affected by heart attacks. 5m

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